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The Severity of Marine Garbage - MinKyeol Kim

The Jeju Association of Environmental Movement estimated in the "Fishermen-interviewed investigation report about the conditions of the Jeju fishing industry and the change in the marine environment” that fisheries activity creates a lot of waste, according to a large amount of marine garbage is generated from fishing boats and an equivalent amount of littered fish.

One fisherman from the interview recalled, “The CFS charge next to the village office is filled up with pieces of garbage less than a week after the typhoon during the summer.”

Also, the Jeju Association of Environmental Movement pointed out in unison that plastic bags used to pack fishing baits are the problem, claiming that they will have a greater impact on environmental harm as they don’t arrive at the coast but sink to the bottom of the ocean.

In Jeju, littered fish or protected animals like sea turtles or indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins caught in plastic garbage are discovered—in the worst case, die.

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